Preliminary Numerology & Birth Chart Grid
Preliminary Numerology & Preparation of Birth chart.
For preparing a birth chart we have a constant grid, a magic square of 15, also called Lo Shu grid, given as:
4 | 9 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 7 |
8 | 1 | 6 |
And compare it with your date of birth DD-MM-YYYY to create a new grid and that grid is called Birth Chart provided digital roots of your date of day of your birth DD (mulank), date of your birth DD-MM-YYYY (bhagyank), and kua number derived based on year of your birth YYYY and gender (Km = 11 – dr(YYYY), Kf = dr(YYYY) + 4 ) are also accommodated in it.
Digital root:
What is digital root of a number. Digital root relationship maps each number to a set of number 1,2,3 … to 9 by summing its digits. Thus, the digital root (dr) of a number can be defined an operation applied on number like the following:
Digital root of 23 = dr(23) = dr(2+3)= dr (5) = 5.
Digital root of 29 = dr(29) = dr(2+9)= dr (11) = 2.
Digital root of 9 = dr(9) = 9.
Digital root of May = dr(05) = 5.
Digital root of October = dr(10) = 1
Digital root of April = dr(04) = 4
Digital root of Nov = dr(11) = 2
Digital root of Feb = dr(02) = 2
It can be noted that in finding digital root, the number 0 (zero) and 9 (nine) are performing the role of neutrality as they are not adding anything. Let's see:
dr(29)=dr(2) = dr(20) = dr(2018). Therefore, if such combinations are present, then they can be ignored for getting final digital root number faster like
dr(26101958) = dr(5) because 261 is 9, next is 0, so it is zero, out of 1958, the 1 and 8 makes 9, so can be ignored. Nine (9) of 1958 can also be ignored. Remaining is 5.
Therefore dr(26101958) = dr(26 1 01 9 5 8) = dr(5) =5
Doing punctuation this way, as above by ignoring zeros and nines found either individuals or in combinations of digits, one can find out the digital root easily and fastly.
Digital Root of any number n
dr(n) is equal to remainder of n ÷ 9 if it is non zero, and dr (n) is 9 if it is zero. Thus
dr(n) = mod(n,9) if mod(n,9) >0,
= 9 if mod(n,9) =0
where mod () is a modulo function.
Moolank and Bhagyank:
After knowing how digital root of a number is obtained, let us see how moolank (M) and Bhagyank (B) of a date of birth (DOB) are obtained. Moolank is digital root of date of birth. Some call it a driving number. So if DD-MM-YYYY is DOB, then Moolank M = dr(DD).
The Bhagyank (B) is also called Angel Number. Some call it a connector number. The Bhagyank is the digital root of complete DOB. It means:
Bhagyank B = dr ( DDMMYYYY).
Now take the example 29/11/1993 as date of birth (DOB),then
moolank(M)= dr(29)= dr(2+9)= dr(11)
=dr(1+1)= 2,
Bhagyank(B)= dr(29111993) = 8
Ex2: Date of birth = 28 April 1995
Moolank(M)= dr(28) = 1
Bhagyank(B)= Digital root of (28 April 1995) = dr(28/04/1995) = dr (28+04+1995) = 2
Ex3: DOB = 23 Feb 1990
Moolank(M)= dr(23) = 5
Bhagyank(B)= Digital root of (23 Feb 1990) = dr (23+02+1990) = 8
Ex4: DOB = 9 May 1963
M = dr(09) = 9
B = Digital root of (09 May 1963) = dr (09+05+1963) = 6
Ex5: DOB = 26 Oct 1958
M = dr(26) = 8
B = Digital root of (26 Oct 1958) = dr (26+10+1958) = 5
Ex5: DOB = 18 Nov 1994
M = dr(26) = 9
B = Digital root of (18 Nov 1994) = dr (18+11+1994) = 7
Kua numbers
Kua number (K) is digital root of year adjusted by the gender of DOB. That means K = dr(YYYY) adjusted by Gender. The formula is —
For male, Kua number for male (Km) is given by
Km= dr (11 – dr(YYYY)) and
Kua number for female (Kf) is given by
Kf = dr (dr(YYYY) + 4)
[Some numerologists don't allow 5 to be a kua number and therefore in case of female, if Kf = 5, they will match it to 8, Had it been male, then Km=5 will imply Km=2. This way K is calculated under subject to the condition that K ≠ 5. Symbolically, if Km =5, then Km = 2 and if Kf =5, then Kf =8. However, we would not consider this mapping and consider K to be 5 as valid Kua number. ]
If year is 1993, and gender is male, then Kua number for male (Km) will be 11– 4 = 7
year of birth (YYYY) =1994, gender = female, then it implies that Kua number for female (Kf)
=dr(1994)+4 =5+4=9
YYYY =1990 gender = female
=> Kf= dr(1990) +4 =5
[Some numerologists don't allow 5 to be a kua number and therefore in case of Kf = 5, they will match it to 8, thus here Kf =8. (Had it been male, then then Km=5 will imply Km=2)]
YYYY =1958, gender = male
=> Km = 11– 5=6
YYYY =1963, gender = female
=> Kf =1+4= 5
[Same way here too Kf =5 => Kf=8. However, we would not consider this mapping.]
YYYY =1964, gender = female
=> K =2 +4 = 6
Variations in Kua numbers formula
Kua number is also calculated based on the last two digits of the year YYYY, instead of the complete year YYYY. So if it is 1993, then 93 is considered. Further examples are like in cases of 1994,1963, 1958, 1990 etc , the 94,63,58,90 respectively would be considered
In such cases, as per some experts, Kua numbers for male and female are defined by taking the difference from 10, and adding 5 in place of 11 and 4 respectively in the usual Kua numbers definitions. Here the last two digits of the year of birth are taken and not all the four digits.
To put in the formula, we have such Kua numbers defined as K' by the following formula:
K'm = dr (10 – dr(YY)) for male, and
K'f = dr(5+dr(YY)).
K' is used to differentiate from usual Kua number based on the whole year YYYY .
YYYY = 1993, male => K'm = 10–3=7
YYYY = 1994, male => K'm = 10–4=6
YYYY=1995,female=> K'f = dr(5+5)=1
YYYY = 1990, female => K'f =5
YYYY=1963,female=> K'f =dr(5+9)=5
YYYY=1958, male => K'm=(10–4)=6
This formula has shortcomings when dealing with centuries like 2000, 1900. There are definite rules defined for such cases like take Km as 8 if it is10 provided you consider digital root 0 as valid root, which, of course, is considered correct. To give it a correct meaning, it is defined that if the digital root is 0 then map it to some number, say 2.
With all these controversies in hand, it is being clarified, here, that such Kua numbers based on last two digits of year YY, are generally used in feng shui / vastu shastra and further research is needed on how to use such variations in birth chart predictions because this type of Kua number (YY type) is falling under a smaller spanner than the one coming from YYYY type and might bring better results due to increased sensitivity. However, it is not generally being considered by a vast number of experts.
Preparation of Birth Chart (BC)
Once having DOB, mulank M, bhagyank B and Kua number K in hand, then with the help of constant grid one can prepare Birth Chart (BC). Let's see some examples:
Ex. 1:
DOB = 29 Nov 1993, gender = male
M = dr(29)= 2,
B = dr(29111993) = 8
K = dr(11–dr(1993))= dr(11–4 )= 7
The Lo Shu Constant grid for reference is:
4 | 9 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 7 |
8 | 1 | 6 |
Hence the BC would be
999 | 22 | |
3 | 7* | |
8* | 111 |
Significant influencers:
Unlike mulank Two (2), which is available in DOB itself, Eight (8) coming from bhagyank (B) was not available in DOB. Similarly Seven (7) has come from Kua number ( adjusted year digital root). They would, therefore, be significant influencers in the birth chart. These numbers are working as hidden numbers because they are not available in the DOB explicitly. 2 is present twice, so its blessings are available in more power. 1 is present thrice, therefore its message for its malific or side effects should be considered by observing changes in lifestyle and following remedies of number 1.
Yogas present in birth chart:
Any horizontal, vertical or slant line completed in birth chart (BC) will be yoga present in the chart. In this case, no such Yoga is present in its completeness. Yogas are also called arrows.
There are three horizontal yogas/ arrows, three vertical yogas and two slant yogas, thus total 8 arrows. Having any number present in any such boxes means partially yoga is available and it is not absent, but if all the three boxes are empty then it is called such yoga is absent.
In this chart, all three horizontal yogas are not absent, but simultaneously they are not present in completeness either. Similarly all three vertical yogas are not absent and also not present in completeness. One diagonal yoga 4–5–6 is completely missing while the other one 2–5–8 is available partially only, meaning neither absent nor available in completeness. Complete presence of yoga, and complete absence of yoga are interpreted. Absence of golden yoga 4–5–6 is critical for this DOB male.
Numbers not present in the chart:
The numbers that are not present in BC will not be able to provide their benefic effects. Therefore, to get their benefic effects, one needs to apply their remedies to get their benefic effects. Like in this case, the absent numbers are 4, 5,6.
Absolute Benefic Numbers as per success criteria in this World:
From the viewpoint of this world where health, wealth, and relationships (H, W, R) are very-very important, there are two numbers that are benefic. They are 5 ruled by mercury and 6 ruled by venus. If these numbers, 5 and 6 are missing then person has to seek remedies for 5 and 6.
Remedies for 5:
Mercury is the ruling planet of this number 5. It has Earth elements. Remedies are wearing wooden bracelet of crystals. Use of green color more & more in food, wearings / clothes, brace of green cloth.
Remedies for 6:
Venus is the ruling planet of this number 6. Remedies are wearing metallic wrist watch having two colors golden and silver. Donating white things on Fridays to disabled, or beggars, or ladies. Do not donate scent if 6 is missing. Deodrant is not scent.
Numbers present in the chart:
In this particular chart, the following numbers are present and some numbers are more frequently present. They are 1³,2²,3,7*,8*,9³. The numbers more frequently available are 2,9,1,while 2 has frequency 2, while 9 and 1 has frequency 3 each.
Malefic Effects of Numbers due to their presence in the chart:
The numbers that are present in BC will be able to provide their benefic effects, at the same time they would also provide base for their malefic (negative) effects. Their increased frequency would provide higher propensity for their presence leading to their increased probability of casting malefic effects. So the remedies are required for these numbers.
In the present case the numbers that are present are1³,2²,3,7*,8*,9³. The 1,9, are more frequently available. The remedy for them is required, then for 2, & then for 3,7,8 in their order of being natural malefic qualities. Since the single presence and frequency 2 strengthens the benefic effects of the number, remedy for 2 and 3 are not required. Since 7 and 8 are significant influencers also but has got single frequency, no remedy is required for them. This the preferred order of remedies required amongst the present numbers would be for the frequently available numbers 1,9, Remedy required due to presence (RRp) would be
RRp= RRp(1³,2²,3,7*,8*,9³)
= (1³,9³)
This DOB also needs remedies for the numbers due to their absence. Such numbers are 5,6,4. The overall order of remedies (OR) would be numbers for which remedies are required due to their absence (RRa) followed by RRp, thus we have
[(5,6)(4)] , [(1³,9³)]
But as absolute benefic numbers are 5,6 and it is under RRa for this DOB, therefore only having remedies for them will give major benefits to this DOB without bothering about other remedies.
Ex2: Date of birth = 28 April 1995
Gender = female
Moolank(M)= dr(28) = 1
Bhagyank(B)= Digital root of (28 April 1995) = dr(28/04/1995)
= dr (28+04+1995) = 2
Kf = dr(dr(1995)+4)= dr(6+4)= 1
The Lo Shu Constant grid for reference is:
4 | 9 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 7 |
8 | 1 | 6 |
Hence the BC would be
4 | 99 | 22 |
5 | ||
8 | 111 |
Significant influencers:
Like mulank one (1), Bhagyank two (2) and Kua number one (1) are already available in DOB. Therefore there are no hidden numbers available influencing the birth chart as all numbers are available in the DOB explicitly. 9 is present twice and therefore its benefic effects are present.
Yogas present in birth chart:
Any horizontal, vertical or slant line completed in BC will be yoga present in the chart. In this case, 4–9–2, 9–5–1 and 2–5–8 Yogas are present in the chart. Simultaneously, no yoga is completely absent from the chart.
Numbers not present in the chart:
The numbers that are not present in BC, being not able to provide their benefic effects are 3,7, and 6..
Absolute Benefic Numbers as per success criteria in this World:
From the viewpoint of health, wealth, and relationships (H, W, R), out of the two benefic numbers 5 and 6, the number 5 is present, giving overall balance to DOB. But 6 is absent. The remedy for 6 is required.
Numbers present in the chart:
In this particular chart, the following numbers are present and some numbers are more frequently present. They are1³ ,2²,4,5,8,9² The numbers more frequently available are 1,while 2 & 9 has frequency 2, while 4,5,8 are available only once.
Malefic Effects of Numbers due to their presence in the chart:
Since increased frequency of a number present would provide higher propensity for their presence leading to their increased probability of casting malefic effects, the numbers 1 followed by 2 & 9 would be likely to give more malefic effects. Since frequency 2 strengthens the benefic effects of the number, number 1 would need remedy and not the 2 and 9.
In the present case the numbers that are present are1³,2²,4,5,8,9². The 1 is more frequently available might need remedy due to heavy presence. Number requiring remedy due to presence RRp is 1.
RRp= RRp(1³,2²,4,5,8,9²)
= (1³)
This DOB needs remedies for them also which are absent. They are 3, and 6. The overall remedies required are (RR) would be remedies due to absence of numbers (RRa) followed by RRp, thus we have
= RRa RRp
= [(6), (3)] , [(1³)]
Since absolute benefic number 6 is under absence, so its remedy is needed at the very first instance. Since 1 is present thrice, the lifestyle changes and remedies for 1 is required.
Ex3: DOB = 23 Feb 1990
Gender = female
Moolank(M)= dr(23) = 5
Bhagyank(B)= Digital root of (23 Feb 1990) = dr (23+02+1990) = 8
Kf = dr(dr(1990)+4)= dr(1+4)= 5
The Lo Shu Constant grid for reference is:
4 | 9 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 7 |
8 | 1 | 6 |
Hence the BC would be
99 | 22 | |
3 | 5*5* | |
8* | 1 |
1,2²,3,4x,5²,6x,7x,8, 9²
Significant influencers:
The mulank (5), Bhagyank (8) and Kua number (5) are not available in DOB. Therefore, there are hidden numbers 5 and 8 available for influencing the birth chart besides the numbers that are available in the DOB explicitly. Out of these, the 5 is very strong, repeating twice as mulank and Kua number. The 9 and 2 are also very strong and would provide their benefic effects.
Yogas present in birth chart:
Any horizontal, vertical or slant line completed in BC will be yoga present in the chart. In this case, 9–5–1 and 2–5–8 Yogas are present in the chart. Moreover, no yoga is completely missing.
Numbers not present in the chart:
The numbers that are not present in BC, being not able to provide their benefic effects, are 4,6, and 7.
Absolute Benefic Numbers as per success criteria in this World:
From the viewpoint of health, wealth, and relationships (H, W, R), out of the two benefic numbers 5 and 6, the number 5 is present in strength giving overall balance to DOB. But 6 is absent. The remedy for 6 is required.
Numbers present in the chart:
In this particular chart, the following numbers are present and some numbers are more frequently present. The numbers are like 1,2²,3,4x,5²,6x,7x,8, 9² , where powers say how many times they are present while x says they are absent. The numbers more frequently available are 2,5,9 and their frequency is less than three. Therefore no number would provide its malefic effects.
Malefic Effects of Numbers due to their presence in the chart:
Since the frequency distribution of numbers present are 1, 2², 3, 4x, 5², 6x, 7x, 8, 9² and their individual frequency is less than three. Therefore no number would provide its malefic effects. Numbers 2, 5, and 9 will bestow more strength to the DOB female.
This DOB needs remedies for them also which are absent. They are 4,6, and 7. The overall remedies required are (RR) would be remedies due to absence of numbers (RRa) followed by RRp, thus we have
RR(1,2²,3,4x,5²,6x,7x,8, 9²)
= RRa RRp
= [(6), (4,7)]
Since absolute benefic numbers 6 is under absence, so its remedy is needed at the very first instance.
General Predictions Rudiments based on Occurence
In some books, or among some
practitioners, the word Angel is also used to describe any number as Angel Number, while some practitioners define Angel number in a certain specific way. Like Bhagyank is called Angel number or some one defines a number to be Angel if it is available in all three sets DD, MM, YYYY.
Well for any number if its frequency in birth grid is available once, it will provide its blessings to the tune of 70 to 80 percent. But if it is available twice, then all its blessings would be bestowed.
However if the number is available thrice or more times, effects would be strong as well as its malefic effects would also prevale. So the occurrence thrice means a message to you to improve on certain parameters by yourself by lifestyle changes.
Occurrence by four times or more means take remedies and precautions besides lifestyle changes.
For all such general rules as mentioned above one should remember that there are benefic numbers & malefic numbers.
1,3,5,6 are benefic numbers, 2,4,7,8,9 are malefic. They have strong powers of their area. 7 is a salvation number that makes a person give out things to others. 2 is many ways similar to 7 linked with emotions & induces changes. 4 is determination. 8 is delay. 9 is aggression and energy.
Out of benefic numbers 1,3,5,6, the 1 is leadership, 3 is Knowledge, 5 relationships, and 6 is enjoyments
Let us see one by one each of them for single frequency and frequency of three.
Number 1: When there is 1 once, it means the person is good at making new things happen on his spiritual journey. When there are 111 numbers, it's a message telling the person to believe in himself and be creative, that means self confidence would be at stake. The person should be cautious about it and auto suggest himself that he can do it.
Number 2: When you spot 2, it's about being trustworthy. When you see 222 numbers, it's like a strong reminder of balance and harmony. Thus it reflects changes also. Message is learn to live with frustrations. Person should meditate and control himself/ herself as to keep mental balance in order.
Number 3: 3 is all about creativity. 333 number encourages you to try new things and express yourself creatively and message is not to be overthinker.
Number 4: 4 means being strong and dependable. 444 number says you can handle challenges and find balance and a message is not to be unnecessary daring and taking stands for others.
Number 5: 5 is about change and being active. 555 sequence shows up when big changes are coming. These changes are different from changes of 2. Message is learn to live with changes and proactively embrace changes.
Number 6: 6 is about being kind and understanding. 666 number is a sign of positive change and harmony and message is not to be so much kind that others can befool the person.
Number 7: 7 is lucky and urges you to try new things. 777 numbers is like a push to stay creative and connect with the spirit world. It is message to keep good company in order to prevent from forming bad habits.
Number 8: 8 means being intuitive and connecting with the spiritual side. 888 tells you to trust your instincts for success and spiritual growth. It is message for delayed outcomes of positive things.
Number 9: 9 means new beginnings and change. 999 numbers show the power of change & self-improvement. It is a message for keeping anger under control.